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November 21, 2020

This week we, The Synergy Hub, are looking forward to announcing our final event! Over the next few weeks, we will be actively planning our workshops and signature event for participants to take part in during March and April. Workshops will begin the first week of March and will highlight key entrepreneurial skills such as budgeting, marketing, and pitching for a product. The workshops will also promote participants to reach their entrepreneurial goals by encouraging innovation, expression, and teamwork to find solutions to problems. We will be posting a poll next week to determine the final title of the event so the participants choose the name! Keep a lookout!

November, 14, 2020

This week, we at the Synergy Hub are focusing on presentation skills. In pursuing any career in entrepreneurship and beyond, the ability to present yourself and your ideas well is crucial. Everyone has different strategies but here are a few shared by our members that help them to do their best. One member stated they like to familiarize themselves with their audience so they prepare accordingly. They also noted they like to keep things fun and fresh to maintain their audience’s attention. One member claimed they prefer to do an impromptu presentation rather than rehearsing their presentation word for word because this way they feel more in the moment and express themselves naturally. Another member noted they always practice before so that they don’t miss any important details. It can also help to practice your presentation on a friend beforehand, so you can determine the best places to pause and how to time your presentation. In the upcoming weeks, we will be announcing our planned workshops where students can work on their presentation skills for our final event! There are so many different ways to approach public speaking, comment below some of your strategies! Also, look out for future posts detailing what the final event will entail and how you can join Synergy!

October 20, 2020

A couple weeks ago we at The Synergy Hub shared our experiences with the difficulty of midterms and expressed the importance of a strong support system during this time. Now, we turn inward to reflect on the ways we stay individually motivated throughout online schooling. The first thing is to remind yourself it’s okay to take breaks! It’s helpful to take some time away from staring at the screen to feel more awake and motivated when you return. It’s also motivating to consider the bigger picture of graduating. The work you are doing now will lead you to life beyond graduation and one day even a dream job! Another important tip is to always maintain a schedule. Set certain times of the day to do asynchronous classes and online work so you don’t procrastinate and can feel less overwhelmed by how much there is to do! One final way to stay motivated is to take time to celebrate the small accomplishments of the semester! Finishing a paper, submitting an exam, and even flipping on Zoom for the day are all small things, but appreciating them together reminds you to value the work you’re doing! Share below some ways you’ve been keeping motivated throughout online schooling!

October 15, 2020

Throughout the pandemic, many of us have been confined to our homes, practicing social distancing, and often alone. While the first months were difficult, it didn’t take long before many of us began to use this time alone to work on personal projects, career planning, and graduate school applications. For some, it’s meant more time to spend with family, more sleep because of the lack of commute, and the development of healthier habits. Our members have recently shared some ways they’ve been both coping with and personally developing over this time. Nelly, our Press Secretary, has taken this time to develop better sleep habits and a morning yoga practice. For our President, Kaushik, it’s meant leaning more into interests outside of his day to day finance work and doing research into aeronautics and human space flight. Our Director of Human Resources, Ihita, told us, “I’ve been able to make time to work on a case study that’s beyond coursework for one of my favorite finance classes which has helped me develop financial analysis skills for my future career path!” This week, we want you to consider how this time at home has led you to develop new hobbies, a better sleep regimen, or even time to catch up on graduate school applications!

October 4, 2020

At the start of midterm season, we are all reminded how difficult it can be to cope with the stress of exams and papers coming at us left and right. But when the pressure is on and you are surrounded by a valuable support system, you can persevere to achieve great things. While all our members are making their way through, this time of the year is made more bearable with the support of this organization. We can make use of valuable opportunities by establishing a path to learning how to time manage, prioritize, and work under pressure which is exactly what our mentors and group members can help us to achieve! We at the Synergy Hub are wishing you the best of luck throughout midterm season!

September 25, 2020

Thank you to all of you who have reached out to us over the past few weeks! We love to hear from you and about your interest in our organization. We, The Synergy Hub, were founded during a pandemic which reminds us how crucial positivity and community are toward creation and innovation. When you start something new, it is always important to build a community of empowerment, support, and solidarity and our mission to do this is at the core of everything we do as an organization. Creating possibilities for students to pursue their interests and career opportunities may be more important now than it has ever been. As circumstances around graduation and job opportunities are constantly changing, a mentorship and support system can contribute greatly to your network and future career goals. Adaptability and positivity throughout this time have kept our team together and expanding. We hope you continue to stay positive and join us in our pursuit of building up a positive support system to empower our members.

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